Friday, April 30, 2010
April: Photo of the Month
What a mixture of feelings for this month. First is the beginning of term, which really sucks because it means being a factory girl for the rest of the term...but it has been redeemed by some of the cool events that happened.
Photo of the Month
Day 107: Feathers and Phone Stickers
Not a truly spectacular photo, but it does highlight what I truly feel about this month. Completely messed up!
LOL Factor
Day 101: Flirting Point
In this uptight city (sorry, this is my real impression - no offense intended my fellow Singaporeans!), there is actually a sanctuary for flirting! GGKTHXBAI.
Blah Photo
Day 111: Fabric Swatches
How much more blah could it get? It highlights the drab reality of my life damnit!
Well, that's pretty much it for April. It's certainly been a mixture of fun and horror. Right now, I hate the fact that my life is so centred around working to the point of another possible sickness.
Day 107: Feathers and Phone Stickers
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
LOL Factor
Day 101: Flirting Point
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From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Blah Photo
Day 111: Fabric Swatches
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From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Well, that's pretty much it for April. It's certainly been a mixture of fun and horror. Right now, I hate the fact that my life is so centred around working to the point of another possible sickness.
Day 120: Fashion Show Goodies
As with every (sponsored and big name) fashion show, you get a goodie bag for attending.
My goodie bag from the show! There wasn't much, but the tote bag is proof that I actually went to the show.
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Day 119: KTX Fashion Show
It was Singapore's Audi Fashion Festival, and I got us tickets to watch a fashion show! I wanted to go to the DSquared or the Roberto Cavalli ones, but couldn't manage to get my hands on them - and at the same time, some of the others were during lesson hours so had to pick something that was available and out of class time - which meant 11pm!
The finale for the KTX fashion show. The clothes weren't that incredible (in my opinion), but it was quite a cool event. I got free fruit punch! I wished I had wine though, but seeing as I had work to do, it wasn't right to get myself sleepy by the time I got home at 1am.
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Day 118: Calendar's on the Wall (April)
I didn't take a photo today, but as it wasn't truly eventful and it's nearly the end of April, saved it for an April shot. Ahahaha.
April features Aoi of the GazettE - the photo on the left features his outfit from Before I Decay and the one on the right for The Invisible Wall single / DIM album release. Methinks he's got a Marilyn Manson look going on.
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Day 117: Table goodies
Today is "what does Manty have on her desk?" Let's find out!
Some of the things that can be found on my table: alcohol hand sanitizer, sample perfume from Sasa (Burberry Brit in this case), Veet wax for unwanted body hair, calling card for Asian overseas calls (about 100 minutes worth of talk time), body butter from the Body Shop (African Spa series), hair elastic and cotton buds.
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From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Monday, April 26, 2010
Day 116: Thingy on the Back
When you've been working your ass off, all you want to do is to just create some lulz.
That's my flatmate's back. One of our other classmates decided to stick some of her fabric onto her back. See how serious we are?!
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From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Day 115: Peranakan Munchies
The best thing about Melaka? Peranakan food! Peranakan is actually the term for the sub-culture where Chinese and Malays intermarry. Not a particularly long history, but it's still an interesting one in its own right.
The Nonya (Peranakan) restaurant at the hotel. I love the food! Featuring Otak-Otak (fish in leaves), and other foods that I can't name. The thing that made us laugh was the fact that Chinese style plates were used, but no chopsticks were in sight - and it's supposed to be semi-Chinese food!
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Day 114: Central Melaka
I'm in Malaysia! It's my first time to the country, but because we're so pressed for time, it was best to take just the weekend to a nearby town. We decided to choose Melaka simply because a couple of people recommended the place in Facebook. I have to admit, it's quite a quaint little town.
The clock tower downtown in Melaka. This is what the buildings feel like when you're in the middle of the hustle. (And laff at the tacky tricycles too!)
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Friday, April 23, 2010
Day 113: Passing By
You know how time can pass you by in a blur without you realizing it? The same thing can happen when you're sitting alone in a bus.
The view from the top of the bus. Simply pass me by...
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From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Day 112: Taiwanese Dessert
In trendy Asian eateries, stuff like jelly and beans are frequently used in desserts. No exception in this store!
Random dessert in a Taiwanese beef noodle store. The drink is green bean (mung bean) with shaved ice and jelly, then there's the soy dessert with pearls and red bean (azuki bean). The other one? It's a jar of chilli sauce. Hahaha.
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From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Day 111: Fabric Swatches
Once again I left it to last minute to do this.
These are fabric swatches that I got in Hong Kong. In all honesty, they always depress me - because it means I need to spend money on them!
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From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Day 110: What's that smell?
I cannot be in Singapore and not eat the fruit that's so well known on this island...THE DURIAN! When my nose sniffed a hint of it (something like 10 metres away), I had a sense of wanting to eat it. And when I saw some packs of durian that are already cut open and wrapped, I simply had to buy it.
Supermarket bought durian. How can I miss a chance to sink my teeth into one of these on its own?! The taste and smell were really strong, just the way I want them to be.
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Monday, April 19, 2010
Day 109: The Glow from Above and Below
I would have put a different photo up today had my flatmate not stated that tonight looked really romantic with the hint of moon and stars shining upon us. For the first time in a while, I broke out my tripod in an attempt to capture the mood. I still have to ask myself why the horizon line is still so wonky after some adjustments - will probably need a new tripod that will give me a straight horizon for once...
I probably took around 30 shots with my tripod, with modified ISO and self-timer settings. To be honest, I'm not as satisfied with this shot as I probably would have been if I knew what some functions did. Tonight did look rather romantic though...
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Day 108: UHU Glue Fun
I'm a familiar user of glue. Especially in the recent times when I always find myself sticking things and keep getting my nail polish ruined because of the goo. At least I'm not really wearing any colours at the moment. Well, it has been a semi-productive day...which is better than a non-productive one. It's fun in a way, but otherwise not so fun - given some of this creative stuff is somehow forced out of me rather than doing it out of freewill.
A little bit of what I've been doing today: sticking glass beads, feathers, pipe cleaners and paper all over the place. Like I said, as much as I sort of enjoy doing it, it gets all over my nails and things keep getting stuck in them!
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Day107: Feathers and Phone Stickers
I spent a really lazy day at home today. My head hurts and my body's been aching all over...what a pain. And yet there's so much work to do.
I bought loads of feathers, glass beads and some mobile phone stickers last week. Just looking at this reminds me of how much work I've got to do. Not that I'm not a fan of arts and crafts, it's just that I'm pissed about the mess it's going to make and the fact that the perfectionist in me is stabbing knives in my creative spirit.
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Friday, April 16, 2010
Day 106: Markering Instructions
You know what I dislike about having to redo everything in a completely new discipline? It's the fact that I have to relearn every single damn thing. I'm actually an accomplished colour pencil art illustrator, but when a previous teacher stated that my inability to use markers is the equivalent to being "handicapped" in design, it's a major call for me to start relearning how to use them.
This book that instructs on how to use markers is pretty expensive, but really damn handy. Though, in order to draw as much detail with as high standards will take time. *sigh* See what I mean about relearning and having to face new problems that could have been avoided?
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Day 105: Floorboard Nostalgia
I don't normally take photos of floors, but I felt obliged to when it comes to this sort of wooden floor.
This is my bedroom's wooden floorboard. Whenever I come across this pattern, I can't help but think about my childhood days in Mauritius, since the entire house is majorly covered this floorboard. How many times must I have stared at this pattern? How I miss some of those times back then...
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Day 104: Wazzat Flying?
You would think that you're going to have a quiet morning at home...until something starts roaring right outside your window.
And what might that be...? MILITARY AIRCRAFT.
That's right.
One of those propeller military planes that fly near my flat. It looks cool at first, but imagine having over a dozen of these horrible noise makers flying one after another for a whole day right above your apartment!
And what might that be...? MILITARY AIRCRAFT.
That's right.
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Day 103: Torrential
If there's one thing I must's to close every single damn door and window of this flat when it rains. Just because I forgot to do so, so much torrential rain came into the living room that I managed to wipe up almost a bucketful of water with my own hands.
When it rains, it really does pour in Singapore. Typical equatorial weather!
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Monday, April 12, 2010
Day 102: Solo Cha Cha
Back when I was still on the Dancesport (that's ballroom/partner dancing) team, I used to fling all my stress out of the way as I rocked the floor in my dance shoes. I would completely immerse myself in the music and dance, forgetting about the rest of the world. Dancing was all it mattered.
Now, in fashion school, I barely even have time to breathe. But when I stopped listening exclusively to J-Rock and let my iPod run loose on shuffle mode, I couldn't help but rediscover old favourites I used to listen to on the Dancesport Society's giant boom box I used to lug around with me...In These Shoes...Hafanana...42nd Street...Vive La Vida (Sube Que Sube)...I've had enough of sitting around and before I knew it, I was on my feet, trying to recall some of the basic variations, making up new basic routines and improvising in my bedroom, dancing until I was sweating like I just came out of the shower.
It felt great I tell you! Releasing all those uptight feelings by flicking and kicking in my jive, doing basic variations of my cha cha, practicing my 8 beat groupings in my samba, controlling my arm movements in my rumba...and yet managing to glide halfway around my bedroom (!) to I'm Still Standing...complete with spin turns (!!!) in the quickstep...there have been moments when I felt flashes of forgetfulness and was simply enjoying the liberation after months of not moving my hips in specific ways.
It's like a form of reminiscence - the steps I've done a countless number of times...every cucaracha, bota fogo, sliding door, chasse, volta, fan, chicken walk, rope spin, American spin...all hold special meaning in me, even if I do forget some of them. I will never be a professional dancer, but I really do miss those moments when I had to reach for the self-tanner and hairspray.
Actually, now that I think about it, forcing yourself to move in a certain manner, combined with the music, really does make you feel like a different person altogether (at least momentarily). When Mira Pa'Dentro was playing, I turned into a demon from cheekyland - that cheeky cha cha cha full of flirtatious energy wanting to make fun of the guy who's "chasing" after you was infectious.
It's my iPod playing "Tell You Tell Me" (a cha cha piece) on my player. I was removing old nail polish at the time (hence the remover) and next to it is a blusher from Benefit and a sample bottle of BVLGARI AQVA POUR HOMME cologne. Yes, I have a perfume obsession, and, if the chemistry between my blood and the scent is right, even men's stuff can smell good on me.
Now, in fashion school, I barely even have time to breathe. But when I stopped listening exclusively to J-Rock and let my iPod run loose on shuffle mode, I couldn't help but rediscover old favourites I used to listen to on the Dancesport Society's giant boom box I used to lug around with me...In These Shoes...Hafanana...42nd Street...Vive La Vida (Sube Que Sube)...I've had enough of sitting around and before I knew it, I was on my feet, trying to recall some of the basic variations, making up new basic routines and improvising in my bedroom, dancing until I was sweating like I just came out of the shower.
It felt great I tell you! Releasing all those uptight feelings by flicking and kicking in my jive, doing basic variations of my cha cha, practicing my 8 beat groupings in my samba, controlling my arm movements in my rumba...and yet managing to glide halfway around my bedroom (!) to I'm Still Standing...complete with spin turns (!!!) in the quickstep...there have been moments when I felt flashes of forgetfulness and was simply enjoying the liberation after months of not moving my hips in specific ways.
It's like a form of reminiscence - the steps I've done a countless number of times...every cucaracha, bota fogo, sliding door, chasse, volta, fan, chicken walk, rope spin, American spin...all hold special meaning in me, even if I do forget some of them. I will never be a professional dancer, but I really do miss those moments when I had to reach for the self-tanner and hairspray.
Actually, now that I think about it, forcing yourself to move in a certain manner, combined with the music, really does make you feel like a different person altogether (at least momentarily). When Mira Pa'Dentro was playing, I turned into a demon from cheekyland - that cheeky cha cha cha full of flirtatious energy wanting to make fun of the guy who's "chasing" after you was infectious.
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From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Day 101: Flirting Point
Today was an absolutely beautiful day to take a walk. Given the midday sun isn't as bad as the 2pm sun, it was surprisingly comfortable to trek down the streets in my shades to do shop for more art materials. Nevertheless, for once, there wasn't anyone who interfered with today's photo (because each time I walk past, there's some bloody person sitting there for ages).
This is a piece of art that's right outside Singapore Art Museum called Flirting Point. If I had a friend or two, I would so go over to those benches with one of them and take a fun shot!
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From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Saturday, April 10, 2010
100th Day Mark! 265 More to Go!
Wow! 100 days into Project 365! I didn't think I was going to last this long, but given the amount of fun I'm having, let's see if I can survive and make it fun for the next 100 days!
Well done to the following people who have been persistent:
Raya - I'm so glad I talked you into doing it! You sort of pushed me on my lazy days, and I am grateful! Hahaha.
Blackie - LOL. Some of your entries do make me giggle. ^^
Mr.T - Well, you've done this before back in 2007. But thanks for following me on Picasa!
Okabe's Dear - The only other JRR forumer to survive so far. Would love to see more Gackt and company popping up now and again! =D
And thanks to anyone who's following this blog! Please do make an odd comment in the shoutbox once in a while, it's nice to know that there's someone out there who could say something about certain photos. =)
Well done to the following people who have been persistent:
Raya - I'm so glad I talked you into doing it! You sort of pushed me on my lazy days, and I am grateful! Hahaha.
Blackie - LOL. Some of your entries do make me giggle. ^^
Mr.T - Well, you've done this before back in 2007. But thanks for following me on Picasa!
Okabe's Dear - The only other JRR forumer to survive so far. Would love to see more Gackt and company popping up now and again! =D
And thanks to anyone who's following this blog! Please do make an odd comment in the shoutbox once in a while, it's nice to know that there's someone out there who could say something about certain photos. =)
Day 100: Light painting
It has been a relatively semi-hardworking day with 2 out of 3 pieces of one of my outfits complete. But let's not talk about that for now...
I've still got so much to learn about my SLR - and today I experimented with shutter speed control. You know those city highway photos where you can see these lines of light painted by fast cars driving into the night? Today, I attempted on that, given my bedroom's like...right next to a traffic intense semi-highway crossroads.
The effect is not as awesome, either because the cars weren't driving as fast or my shutter isn't slow enough, but still, it's a ditto after around...50 attempts with me shooting in my dark bedroom.
I didn't use a tripod, but I love the way light can be painted using low shutter speed. This is taken with my elbows sprawled onto the large window sill (hope nobody thinks I'm being a naughty voyeur!)
I've still got so much to learn about my SLR - and today I experimented with shutter speed control. You know those city highway photos where you can see these lines of light painted by fast cars driving into the night? Today, I attempted on that, given my bedroom's like...right next to a traffic intense semi-highway crossroads.
The effect is not as awesome, either because the cars weren't driving as fast or my shutter isn't slow enough, but still, it's a ditto after around...50 attempts with me shooting in my dark bedroom.
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Friday, April 9, 2010
Day 99: Life's Simple Pleasures
You know what I've always loooooved eating since childhood? Bean curd dessert! What it is, it's sweet tofu dessert. Made from the soy bean (the main ingredient for tofu, soy drinks and anything soy related), I've always loved the taste of soy wherever I go. Seriously. Anything from soy bean milk/drink, Japanese style silky tofu, fried tofu, mapo tofu (tofu with mince pork), tofu dessert...I'll always somehow manage to hunt them down.
Of course, I don't like settling for anything mediocre when it comes to soy products. I've eaten burnt (!) tofu dessert before in Shanghai, which tastes absolutely gross because it smells smoky and burned and I honestly have no idea how they could manage to burn such a thing. I've drank weird tasting soy drinks before in the UK, because, in my opinion, they don't have the right formula. And...hmm...well...I've eaten countless rough textured drinks and desserts - enough to know which places and brands to remember and avoid. For commercial packaged drinks, my top would be Vitasoy (Hong Kong brand), but Yeo's (Malaysian brand) is also decent if I can't find Vitasoy. As for commercially packaged tofu dessert, Pak Fook (Hong Kong brand) and Vitasoy taste and feel similar, so I'm putting them on the same level. On the other hand, if you're asking me for the fresh stuff, I know of 2 places in Hong Kong that can make better quality silky tofu dessert. Simply because the taste is just right and that it's really really smooth in the mouth. In Singapore too, there's one store on Geylang Road that does good tofu dessert. But I think the Mr. Bean does keep up to standard too.
The reason behind all these tofu and soy explanations? It's because only when I was eating the Mr. Bean tofu dessert at home when the slogan dawned on me on a conscious level rather than letting it breeze past: "Mr. Bean: Life's simple pleasures." Given how I always feel excited whenever I grab tofu dessert, these simple words hold so true in my case: simply indulging in something as simple as just eating your favourite dessert can make you feel good about yourself. For some people, it's probably chocolate. In my's sweet soy goods.
This container held my tofu dessert. And it really is part of my "life's simple pleasures" (the slogan that's on it) for me. I suppose I need it, in the midst of all the busyness that's going around me (as seen on the coffee table).
Of course, I don't like settling for anything mediocre when it comes to soy products. I've eaten burnt (!) tofu dessert before in Shanghai, which tastes absolutely gross because it smells smoky and burned and I honestly have no idea how they could manage to burn such a thing. I've drank weird tasting soy drinks before in the UK, because, in my opinion, they don't have the right formula. And...hmm...well...I've eaten countless rough textured drinks and desserts - enough to know which places and brands to remember and avoid. For commercial packaged drinks, my top would be Vitasoy (Hong Kong brand), but Yeo's (Malaysian brand) is also decent if I can't find Vitasoy. As for commercially packaged tofu dessert, Pak Fook (Hong Kong brand) and Vitasoy taste and feel similar, so I'm putting them on the same level. On the other hand, if you're asking me for the fresh stuff, I know of 2 places in Hong Kong that can make better quality silky tofu dessert. Simply because the taste is just right and that it's really really smooth in the mouth. In Singapore too, there's one store on Geylang Road that does good tofu dessert. But I think the Mr. Bean does keep up to standard too.
The reason behind all these tofu and soy explanations? It's because only when I was eating the Mr. Bean tofu dessert at home when the slogan dawned on me on a conscious level rather than letting it breeze past: "Mr. Bean: Life's simple pleasures." Given how I always feel excited whenever I grab tofu dessert, these simple words hold so true in my case: simply indulging in something as simple as just eating your favourite dessert can make you feel good about yourself. For some people, it's probably chocolate. In my's sweet soy goods.
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Day 98: Pearls and Bubbles
I may dislike Taiwan to a certain extent, but I do sometimes miss the food. Beef noodles in particular! Well, I didn't pick the beef noodle option, but the food at this particular establishment is decent enough.
One thing I find really popular wherever I go though, is the bubble tea. Originally a Taiwanese drink that's in the form of milk tea with these balls, which are mixtures of tapioca and carrageenan powder so it has a slightly starchy feel, practically in every Asian country I'm in, I can find something similar, or some variants of the drink.
Because this is taken with my phone, it's not really clear, but the balls in my tea are "bubbles" or "pearls" (depending on where you go and who you talk to). I've eaten way too many grossly mushy and tasteless "pearls", but these ones are pretty delicious.
One thing I find really popular wherever I go though, is the bubble tea. Originally a Taiwanese drink that's in the form of milk tea with these balls, which are mixtures of tapioca and carrageenan powder so it has a slightly starchy feel, practically in every Asian country I'm in, I can find something similar, or some variants of the drink.
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From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Day 97: Korean BBQ
I haven't had Korean BBQ in a while. While I do like the DIY stuff, I really wasn't happy with this meal.
This Korean style BBQ really has to be one of the worst meals in a while. Not only do we feel kind of ripped off, the food isn't really great here. Even their green bean dessert soup tastes weird!
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From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Day 96: The Ceiling…Again
Like I said before, I was sick to the point where I couldn’t even hear my voice. Today has been…a day of lying down and simply resting. March really has been a horrendous month to the point where I never really had an entire day just to lie down and sleep. So…today…I did just that! (Just because I can.)
Technically, I cheated a little on this photo (since I took it on Day 99 instead of 96), but I really was too assed to do anything.
Once again…the ceiling light. But this time, it’s in the huge apartment. I still think that looking at ceiling lights calm me down in an odd sort of way...
Technically, I cheated a little on this photo (since I took it on Day 99 instead of 96), but I really was too assed to do anything.
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Backtracking! Days 85-95 + Day 81
Oh. My. Silver. Heels. Another massive update! It's been so stupidly busy the past few days, I haven't even had a chance to upload anything! Let's just hope I don't have to do another one of these massive ones in a while!
Day 85
Day 86
Day 87
Day 88
Day 89
Day 90
Day 91
Day 92
Day 93
Day 94
Day 95
And of course...not forgetting...
Day 81
Yes, I was waiting for Day 81's photo to be uploaded from Squishy's camera.
And, of course, if you haven't seen it...March's Photo of the Month!
Okay...that's a load off my chest!
Day 85
Day 86
Day 87
Day 88
Day 89
Day 90
Day 91
Day 92
Day 93
Day 94
Day 95
And of course...not forgetting...
Day 81
Yes, I was waiting for Day 81's photo to be uploaded from Squishy's camera.
And, of course, if you haven't seen it...March's Photo of the Month!
Okay...that's a load off my chest!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Day 95: Sunset in Geylang
Back in Grumpyland for me. Today has been absolutely exhausting to the point where I felt nauseous. Guess the only thing that sort of kept my sanity is doing this massive update and taking photos (especially of this sunset).
This photo is taken from the balcony of my flat. Like I said, it's a really romantic scenery when sunset comes and night falls.
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Sunday, April 4, 2010
How I totally love Bannatalos! It's a Barbie transformation gift by Raya (Bannatalos CAN'T NOT appear on my 365 you know!) At the time, I was obsessed with Rurouni Kenshin, so wanted a Misao style braid (which you can't really see), and she has a tattoo on her thigh that says "惡" (meaning "evil" - please refer to Sanosuke Sagara from RK).
It's a Barbie transformation! Called Bannatalos! AHAHAHAHA. Gotta love BF references. (If you still don't get who she is, she's a Diablo 2 Assassin. Thanks again Raya!) =)
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Day 93: How sick?
My cold has really caught up with me by this stage. So I tottered to St Teresa's Hospital to get myself some medication.
That's like...a few days worth of medicine. I got a really bad tonsillitis, lost my voice, fended off a slight fever (on Monday night), and got a jab in the butt. Remember: this is the result of stress piling up over a month children!
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Friday, April 2, 2010
Day 92: "Smile because it happened..."
Today is technically coRtALoS' last day in Hong Kong before he departs for the "LAND OF B4NNZOR3D!" (how I love that term for China...) I do feel a little sad to see him leave, especially after all the fun we've had for almost an entire week, but again, who knows...we'll meet again! Just hoping it will be somewhere where we can both be tourists!
I really should watch Lost in Translation some time...maybe I can get something out of it...
In all seriousness though, I haven't had this much fun with a friend in a long time - given most of it has been revolving around my little world of shallowness and superficial beings in recent days. Well, not that I'm actually pointing at anything in particular, but for once, I can truly let go of certain formalities, and to stop worrying about creating something that's only meant to be viewed on the outside.
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened…" ~ Dr. Seuss
A parting gift. A handmade shawl from Afghanistan. I love the peachy Sling!
I really should watch Lost in Translation some time...maybe I can get something out of it...
In all seriousness though, I haven't had this much fun with a friend in a long time - given most of it has been revolving around my little world of shallowness and superficial beings in recent days. Well, not that I'm actually pointing at anything in particular, but for once, I can truly let go of certain formalities, and to stop worrying about creating something that's only meant to be viewed on the outside.
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened…" ~ Dr. Seuss
From Project 365 (v.2010) |
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Day 91: Watching you...360.
What a beautiful day! Okay, there wasn't really much sunlight and we saw more clouds, but doing this trip on the way to the Giant Buddha on Lantau Island (along with the Ngong Ping 360 cable car trip) proved to be beautiful in its own way. When up on top, you could pretty much see the clouds being lower than the mountains (since I hear it's Hong Kong's second highest mountain), and the scenery, complete with the chanting of the monks in the nearby monastery, has made it all a wonderfully serene day.
Though I can't say the same about the night. LOL.
Then again, maybe I should have taken a photo of the queue to get onto the cable car - we were smart enough not to buy the "crystal cabin" (which was basically the same thing, except that it's a glass bottomed cable car). The queue for those extra dollars is just so frikkin' long! Not to mention it would have been a good time to laugh at those crystal cabin dumbasses...
The world's largest seated outdoor bronze Buddha. In Hong Kong! It's made of 202 bronze pieces, taking 3 years to complete. Hong Kong legend Anita Mui's final resting place is also located here. RIP Anita...
Though I can't say the same about the night. LOL.
Then again, maybe I should have taken a photo of the queue to get onto the cable car - we were smart enough not to buy the "crystal cabin" (which was basically the same thing, except that it's a glass bottomed cable car). The queue for those extra dollars is just so frikkin' long! Not to mention it would have been a good time to laugh at those crystal cabin dumbasses...
From Project 365 (v.2010) |